Posters included are as follows:
PDF files for you to print
Extra large letters to head wall display
21 A4 colourful posters showing multicultural children doing different things, such as watering the plants, colouring in, creating art, learning the alphabet etc. The writing on each poster starts with 'Together we...' then is completed by the activity that the children are doing.
This is a great poster pack for you to print to use for discussions and a great classroom display.
Each topic includes a main cover poster – then 4 matching posters that relate to that style of thinking, each with colourful borders and cute pictures. They are shown below:
I keep growing my ideas.
I step outside of my comfort zone.
I use my imagination.
I try other ways to do things.
I explain my ideas
I encourage others to get involved.
I find solutions.
I do my bit.
How can I find out more?
I wonder why?
What is the evidence?
What do others think?
I believe I can do this.
How can I do this better?
How did I do this before?
I will think of this sooner next time!
I know its up to me.
I can organise myself
I can get on with people.
I can stay calm.
We all do our bit.
We share out all the jobs.
We listen to each others ideas.
We all help each other.
Resources included are as follows:
•PDF files for you to print.
•Set of 25 A4 colourful posters for display – each with a fixed mindset and growth mindset sentence and pictures to match.
•Several colourful borders to edge wall display – each decorated with little brains.
•Backing paper in matching colours to print if needed.
•Bricks to make a wall
•Labels to put on the steps of the brick showing different levels of thought
•Small children pictures to add to the wall
•Colouring pages of children for pupils to colour and add to the wall
•Large lettering to add to wall title
•Writing frames in matching patterns
•Drawing frames in matching patterns
•Blank worksheet to discuss and write about growth mindset
•long banner to head wall display
•2 different sets of title letters in patterns to match
•Large coloured brain to add interest to display
•Folder / box labels and resources sack tag to organise resources
8 Lesson Course
Suitable for Key Stage 2- Key stage 4.
These great resources to print and use in your school or community centre. They are unique colourful resources designed and tested by teachers. Save yourself hours of planning time with this –PRINT and GO- Anger management resource pack.
The pack includes the following:
•8 Full lessons as detailed below
•Lesson Objectives in large print to display on the board
•Lesson plans including back up plans for difficult behaviour and extension activities
•Lessons all include starter activities, lots of main activities and plenary activities.
•Learning objectives and outcomes clearly shown
•Attendance log
•Achievements log
•End of course assessment
•Certificate of attendance
•Display materials.
8 full lessons approximately and hour in length, plus different activities, such as research activities, art and design activities and ICT activities which have various time lengths from 10 minutes to a couple of hours.
Lessons outlines are as follows:
1.What is anger? / Anger is a normal emotion and one of many.
2.What causes anger?
3.What happens to myself and others when I get angry?
4.Ways to deal with anger.
5.Passive, assertive and aggressive, and ways to defuse anger.
6.Relaxation techniques.
7.Self talk
8.Reflecting on what I have leant about anger and an action plan for the future.
The course is based around kinaesthetic / hands on activities with lessons including tasks such as reading, writing, speaking, listening, picture/word matching, colouring, thinking, role play, videos, playing card games, cutting and sticking, individual work, pair work, group work.
This course is designed by teachers for teachers to save you hours of time.
Resources for you to use over and over again. Everything you need is included. You will not have to find anything else – PRINT and GO!!
Resources include:
1.Multicultural face masks to use for emotions role plays
2.Reward charts to set pupils targets for learning, behaviour or controlling their emotions
3.Acrostic poem task about emotions
4.Angry and calm probability cards to use as an ice-breaker task
5.Emotions writing booklet cover to keep pupils work together neatly
6.Best day ever writing task with booklet insert
7.Worst day ever writing task with booklet insert
8.Blank faces for pupils to draw expressions on
9.Feelings tree – display including tree trunk and leaves with different emotions written on them to make any size display you wish
10.Blank leaves to add to feelings tree or get pupils to fill in
11.Blank speech bubbles to use for writing tasks or role plays
12.Blank thought bubbles to use for writing tasks and role plays
13.Drawing task – draw yourself happy and sad
14.Emotion faces and words matching cards for sorting activity and to help pupils to recognise each emotion
15.Large flashcards of different emotions – half A4 landscape with words happy, sad, angry etc
16.A4 size faces with different expressions to show emotions
17.A4 poster showing all emotions
18.A5 lettering spelling EMOTIONS
19.Emotions bunting to hang in classroom
20.Black and white faces for pupils to colour in each emotion
21.Small emotion flashcards with word and face pictures
22.Emotions snap card game or matching pair game
23.Each emotion writing facts cards for pupils to complete
24.Happy and sad door hanger for pupils to draw and colour great for showing parents/carers how the child is feeling
25‘How your words make me feel’ writing and drawing task great for discussing how our behaviour effects others emotions
26.Storyboard template for pupils to complete with a story from a different emotion theme
27.Cut and stick activity matching photos of people with how they feel
28.Discussion task about emotions
29.‘it makes me so angry’ worksheet to add to emotions booklet
30.Memory vocabulary game
31.Speaking and listening task encouraging pupils to talk about emotions
32.Throw and catch game to be used as an ice-breaker for emotions tasks
33.Make your own time out card creative activity
34.Certificates for pupils to be awarded for controlling their emotions or make extra effort to do so
35.Body responses to emotions worksheet to be added to work booklet
36.Word search
37.‘things that worry me’ task with booklet insert
38.Worst day ever writing task with booklet insert
39.Red display border to edge display
40.Blue display border to edge display
41.Yellow display border to edge display
A great set of 20 A4 language posters with pictures and words in 4 different languages – Polish, German, Spanish and French.
Items are as follows:
Pen, pencil, markers, crayons, ruler, rubber, sharpener, calculator, paper, book, table, chair, door, window, computer, keyboard, mouse, board, shelves, classroom, school.
Resources included are as follows:
•PDF files for you to print.
•Over 85 colourful certificates to print ranging across all subjects.
•Certificates for behaviour, concentration, imagination etc
���Certificates are various sizes and can be printed smaller or photocopied larger
•Great for praising pupils and celebrating their achievements.
•Large lettering is included, spelling ‘Well done!’ to head your wall display
•Certificates most suitable for Key stage 1-2
Posters included are as follows:
•PDF files for you to print.
•Set of 9 A4 colourful posters for display –
Title page
Did I put my name on my work?
Did I work neatly?
Did I use capital letters and punctuation?
Did I answer all of the questions and complete all tasks?
Did I follow the instructions carefully?
Did I spell words correctly?
Did I write in complete sentences?
Did I do my very best?
Posters included are as follows:
1.Characteristics of effective learning title poster
2.Characteristics of effective learning overview poster in colour
3.Characteristics of effective learning overview poster in black and white
4.Active learning title poster
5.Active learning key points poster in colour
6.Active learning key points poster in black and white
7.Playing and exploring title poster
8.Playing and exploring key points poster in colour
9.Playing and exploring key points poster in black and white
10.Creating and thinking critically title poster
11.Creating and thinking critically key points poster in colour
12.Creating and thinking critically key points poster in black and white
13.Spotty border to edge display
14.Long banner to head display
15.Backing paper to print if needed
16.3 observation sheets to monitor the children